Man-Shaking-Hands-01_fullI have been a Miller Heiman sales consultant for ten years and have worked with small and large accounts implementing the Miller Heiman methodologies.

My client is a small system integrator, I’ll call them XXX in the Boston area and they have used LAMP to define their business in terms of what their desired relationship is on the Buy-Sell hierarchy, their Ideal Customer Profile and to define the questions they ask in sales calls. The CEO loves LAMP for the impact it’s had on their business and referred me to another CEO he is friendly with.

I am now on a long term consulting project for that client, I’ll call them YYY. Well, I was in YYY’s office last week when their CIO came into the room and the discussion went like this: “Bob, I heard you were here and I wanted to tell you about a visit I had with the Strategic Account Manager from xxx. He did a Gold Sheet (LAMP) review with me and I wanted to tell you about it because I know you are talking with Dave (YYY’s SVP of sales) about it. Well, I was blown away because as he presented the various levels on the Buy-Sell hierarchy I realized that I had selected them because I was looking for a level 4 relationship. Going through that process made me realize I had chosen the right company to do business with. He then looked at his VP of Sales, Dave and said “I can’t wait until our sales reps use this took because it will significantly help our relationships with our clients.”

Bottom line is that LAMP gives you a great way to define and plan the relationship with your accounts. Getting agreement on how the relationship should be managed puts you way ahead of just winging it. And, as in this case, your customers will love it and appreciate it.